Privacy policy

What information do we collect about you?

When you visit our website, we keep the following data:

  • The pages visited
  • The IP address and an identification text that your browser sends us. For example: “a Telenet visitor visited the website with Chrome on a mobile device” or “A KPN Netherlands customer used Firefox on Windows 10”.

Our website contains a contact form. If you complete the contact form, we will keep track of the information you provided in the form, as well as the IP address and time at which you completed the form.

On the website there is an option to subscribe to our newsletter. In that case, we store the information you provide (name, email address) in combination with the time at which you registered. If you receive a newsletter, we keep statistics: how often the newsletter is opened, which links are clicked, which email client do you use and at what time was this all, etc.

Who collects this information about you?

We, that is Pinga Group bv. Our registered office is at Gustaaf Callierlaan 56/801, 9000 Ghent. Our company number is BE0671822295. The easiest way to reach us is by email at

How do we collect this information?

You provide us with the information for subscribing to the newsletter or completing the contact form and it therefore comes directly from you. By completing those forms, you give us permission to process the data.

Your browser sends the information about which browser and which type of device you use. We receive the IP address from your computer itself.

Why do we collect this information and how do we use it?

We need this information for the newsletter to be able to send you the newsletter. If you contact us via the contact form, we use the information for the purpose it is intended: to contact you and to introduce you to the possibilities of our software.

In addition, we use certain information (browser, unique identification, number of times a link in our newsletter is clicked) to improve our site and newsletter or to correctly analyze any problems.

The information about your page visits helps us on the one hand to improve the site and on the other hand to analyze and solve possible problems with the web application.

How long do we keep information about you?

We do not store data longer than necessary. For newsletters this means up to 2 years after you unsubscribed from the newsletter, for website visitors this is 2 years. Some data is legally determined for how long we keep it. In that case, we will of course comply with the law.

Who do we share this information with?

We use most of the information ourselves and do not share it with anyone. For the newsletter, we use an external service to send out and optimize the newsletter. Our hosting company processes the “log files” of your visit. They receive your IP address, the identification that your browser sends and the pages you visit on our site. If you complete the contact form, the contents of the form will be sent to us by email.

What rights do I have?

The GDPR focuses on you as an individual and gives you a number of rights. You have the right to inspect the data we keep about you and you can have incorrect data corrected. You can also ask us to delete data and object to the transfer of your data to third parties. If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please contact us by email or in writing.

However, your right to be forgotten does not override any legal or contractual obligations. For example, we must be able to contact our customers at any time and we must comply with Belgian accounting obligations. You can easily unsubscribe from the newsletter via a link that you can find at the bottom of each newsletter.

If you believe that your rights have been violated, you can file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

For Belgium this is the Data Protection Authority ( Our website is hosted in Europe by a European Hosting provider.